Saturday, August 4, 2012


This is totally what I need now.
Optimism, hope, confidence.
And maybe a little bit more luck too.

Well anyways, chancing upon the beach volleyball olympics games on one fine day which I stayed home, definitely makes me miss playing the game.
The kind of competitive feeling that it gives me, the pride that I feel when we won medals, the team spirit that we have, and that bond we shared.
It's a pity that I've lost touch with my jc team mates, not to say my secondary school ones.
Everyone else has their own lives to live, and seems like the passion for the sport did lessen.
It's been awhile (rather long) since I've been to the beach!
Maybe it'll be good to find a day and head over for some fun, and sun!

Recently, a friend shared a link "Secrets of Truly Happy People" video on facebook. Here's the link.
So out of curiosity, I opened the link and watched it.
One main point discussed was to "live in the moment".
I guess we're all too busy to pursue and being too preoccupied with what we want, that we often 'forgot' to live in the moment. Well at least for me which I find it very true.
So I try to make it a point to remind myself that, so I will be a happier person.
And then there's this part about minding your own business and just worry about your own life.
I do agree in the sense that when you start worrying and getting all concern about other's life, you'll be adding more worries to your own, and start comparing, which makes your life worse.
Yes, for now, it refers to my job search.
Perhaps after watching, you'll have some new inspiration or enlightenment on how to be more happy too.

It's late, and I should go to bed.

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